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The Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA) significantly impacts the ability of municipalities to control the establishment of religious uses through zoning and land use regulations. As a result of this law any application by a religious organization for a land use approval has the potential to result in a RLUIPA claim. The lawyers at Silverberg Zalantis LLC are well versed in this complex emerging area of the law and can assist in evaluating applications for potential RLUIPA claims. With the number of RLUIPA lawsuits increasing, municipalities must be mindful of the pitfalls of RLUIPA and evaluate their actions accordingly. Religious institutions have filed RLUIPA claims against municipalities in situations involving everything from variances and site plans to eminent domain cases. With the potential that substantial damages and attorney’s fees may be awarded to an organization making a successful claim, municipalities must deal with the issue of RLUIPA from the first day a matter involving a religious organization arises. At Silverberg Zalantis, our attorneys provide counsel at all stages of the process and if a claim is ultimately filed we have the skills necessary to vigorously defend our municipal clients.
Read “The Application of RLUIPA to Land Use Regulation” by Steven Silverberg